What Kind of Changemaker Are You?

Ready to make some change? Want to help write the next chapter in the Story of Stuff? Whatever you have to offer, a better future needs it! Take our Changemaker Personality Quiz to see how you show up in the world and what role you can play in the Story of Stuff Community and beyond. Then share your results with your friends!

Flyers or postcards to publicize an upcoming rally
Your phone so that you can share on social media
Water and yummy snacks
Interesting reading material
Pen and paper
Your trusty Swiss army knife

Look into the local government budget allocations for road work and safety
Fill it in yourself
Call a few friends who know people on city council to see who your best “in” is to getting that fixed
Contact the appropriate town or city office to rectify the problem (and maybe sweeten the deal with some homemade cookies)
Make a street sign that warns people about it and maybe even paint the outside in a bright color so it's more noticeable
Coordinate a letter writing campaign among your neighbors


“Another meeting?! When are we gonna get started with some hands on projects?”
“I can do some research into other communities who’ve done this well.”
“This is great! I'll call Suzie and Toni and Mitchell as soon as I get home.”
“I could provide childcare for the meeting.”
“Woohoo, look at all these volunteers.” (You happen to be running the meeting).
“I could design some flyers and create a Facebook group to help get the word out.”

You feel like people aren’t saying what they actually mean
The broader community isn’t consulted and choices are made in a vacuum
There isn’t an equal playing field
People don’t approach the situation carefully and thoughtfully
Decisions are made without all the needed information
People complain about something and don’t provide a path forward

Deeply inquisitive and in constant pursuit of new and better information
Always knows just what to say, or how to express themselves
A real problem-solver
Guided by a strong moral compass
A true collaborator with a rich group of friends and colleagues
A real backbone of the family or community

Spending a leisurely afternoon out at a museum or doing some writing
Attending a local screening, lecture, community event
Throwing a big party with friends that you think ought to meet each other
Cooking a special dinner for your family and friends
Poring over the Sunday paper and doing some much anticipated reading
Tinkering around in your workshop or garden

One last thing...

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